Since our target market is exclusively the Academy of Art Latino students, I chose the same color palette as the academy.
Since our target market is exclusively the Academy of Art Latino students, I chose the same color palette as the academy.
RGB: 0/0/0
HEX: #000000
CMYK: 40/0/0/100
Pantone Black
RAL: 9005
NCS: S 9000-N
Avery 900: 901
3M Scotchcal: SC 50-12 Black
(vehicle lettering)
RGB: 255/255/255
HEX: #ffffff
CMYK: 0/0/0/0
RAL: 9010
NCS: S 0500-N
Avery 900: 900
3M Scotchcal: SC 50-10 White
(vehicle lettering)
Rojo Vivo
RGB: 237/26/45
CMYK: 0/100/100/00
Pantone 1788C
RAL: 3028
NCS: S 0580-Y90R
Avery 900: 906
3M Scotchcal: SC 50-475
(vehicle lettering)